About Anne

Anne Connor is a visual artist and fine-art photographer based in Madison, Wisconsin. When not at work, she spends an inordinate amount of time on her family’s farm, 35 minutes from Madison in the beautiful Driftless Area of southwest Wisconsin. There, she’s curated a curious menagerie that includes horses, Scottish highland cattle, rabbits, chickens and two miniature donkeys, a gift from her husband for her 50th birthday. Her animals and the land they live on feature prominently in her photographic work and are the inspiration for her latest exhibit, Animalia, which was recently exhibited at Overture Center for the Arts in Madison, Wisconsin. 

Connor's work has been shown throughout the United States and has been included in exhibits at the Center for Fine Art Photography (Fort Collins, Colorado), A. Smith Gallery (Johnson City, Texas), Photo Place Gallery (Middlebury, Vermont), Overture Center for the Arts (Madison, Wisconsin), the Von Liebig Art Center of the Naples Art Association (Naples, Florida), Photo NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana) and more. She has shown extensively in the Madison area and many of her images are in private collections throughout the United States.

To inquire about purchasing images, please contact the artist at AnneMConnor@DriftlessStudio.com.